Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt'

Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt'

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Best Breakfast Oatmeal

Steel cut oats are the best. You might be more familiar with rolled oats for your hot breakfast cereal. Steel cut oats are the unprocessed whole grain oat and are very nutritious and delicious. Once a week I cook a big pot of steel cut oats and reheat a small portion each morning for breakfast. It's a great start to your day. My version of steel cut oats is a real "breakfast of champions" packed with whole grain, fiber, and protein. Here's the basic recipe then all of my add-in's:

1 cup steel cut oats
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp alcohol-free pure vanilla
4 cups water

Place the oats, cinnamon, and vanilla in a medium-large pot and add the water. Cover the pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling turn down the heat to the lowest simmer. Cook covered for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally and check to make sure oats aren't sticking. Add additional water as needed. This will yield enough oats for me to eat for about 6 mornings. I don't sweeten my cereal beyond the cinnamon and vanilla, because I really don't need the sugar. Consider rethinking sweetening your morning cereal.

Each morning I reheat a small portion of the oats (About 1/2 cup) with these add-ins:

1/2 cup organic unsweetened soymilk
1 organic banana-sliced
1 tbsp organic raisins
1 tbsp organic sliced almonds
1 tbsp organic chopped walnuts
1 tsp organic unsweetened raw shredded coconut

A note about cinnamon...I love cinnamon for it's delicious taste and also for it's magical/folklore uses. I need as much good energy and positive vibrations I can gather every morning to start my day! In "The Goddess in the Office" by Z. Budapest she says there are a number of magical herbs and spices associated with wealth. And you guessed it-cinnamon is one of them! She recommends baking cinnamon in cookies, rolls and bread. So, here's what I'm saying-I'm going to add cinnamon to my food every morning to symbolize my readiness for financial prosperity and growth. How about you give it a try too and let me know how it works!

In Health,
Miss Jolie Ann

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